JOIN THE KIND FOLK COMMUNITY! Send Will and the team a direct text message! You can just say “Hi,” “Hey Will,” or share where you first heard his music (or even a favorite song) and he’ll personally text you back! SEND A TEXT TO WILL NOW: +1 (860) 390-5887
At the core of our efforts is a calling to build & strengthen human connections and make even the smallest of changes towards improving the world we all live in. We are fortunate to have the power and reach of music and the arts to use as the fibers to connect us through public service, partnership, and various efforts to support meaningful charities and causes. From my family to yours, I hope that you’ll join us.
Respect and Gratitude,
Will Evans
Make A Little Change
In this turbulent time in our history it’s easy to become overwhelmed and feel helpless to the waves of negativity we experience in the news and social media every day. We always seek to protect your enthusiasm from the negativity and fear of others. Never decide to do nothing just because you can only do little. Do what you can. You would be surprised at what “little” acts have done for our world. At many towns or cities that we visit we organize small acts of kindness that we are hoping you will serve a part in—so that we may ‘make a little change, and let it grow’.
Surfrider Foundation (RI Chapter)
The Surfrider Foundation is dedicated to the protection and enjoyment of the world’s ocean, waves and beaches, for all people, through a powerful activist network. | Member of RI Chapter since: 2015
Operation Warm
Operation Warm provides warmth, confidence, and hope through basic need programs that connect underserved children to community resources they need to thrive. | Partner since: 2020
Do It For The Love Foundation
Founded by Michael Franti & Sara Agah Franti, the mission of Do It For The Love is to inspire hope and healing through the power of music by supporting clinical and community-based music therapy, evidence-based research, and providing live music experiences. | First supported: 2014
HeadCount is a non-partisan organization that uses the power of music to register voters and promote participation in democracy. We reach young people and music fans where they already are – at concerts and online – to inform and empower. | Partner since: 2020
Always Home
Always Home offers case management support and access to critical emergency services required to establish housing stability. We seek to prevent homelessness before it happens, to use shelter as a destination of last resort, and to limit any family’s time in shelter to a maximum of 30 days. Our core programs include Homelessness Prevention/Shelter Diversion, Emergency Shelter and Rapid Re-housing. | Supporter since: 2020
Yale/Smilow Cancer Hospital’s ‘Closer To Free’ Ride
Smilow Cancer Hospital treats more cancer patients than any other hospital in Connecticut and is the only comprehensive cancer facility in the Northeast – bringing together both inpatient and outpatient care in one hospital. The hospital features the brightest minds in clinical research and patient care who are developing new methods to prevent, diagnose and treat cancer. Since the first Closer to Free Ride in 2011, riders, volunteers, sponsors and supporters have generated more than $23 million for the life-saving and life-changing work of Smilow Cancer Hospital and Yale Cancer Center. | Will’s team has helped raise over $150K. Supporter since: 2015
Rally Sound
Founded by [Will’s good friend] Adam Ezra & friends, RallySound believes that music has the power to inspire communities, and that small grassroots communities have the power to change the world. | Friend since: 2020
Jordon Porco Foundation
The Jordan Porco Foundation’s mission is to prevent suicide, promote mental health, and create a message of hope for young adults. We provide engaging and uplifting programming emphasizing peer-to-peer messaging promoting help seeking behavior, self-care, and coping skills. Our programs challenge stigma by talking openly about mental health, and educating about the risk factors and warning signs of suicide and other related mental health concerns. | Supporter since: 2011
You Can Not Be Replaced
Our goal is to reduce the factors that can contribute to someone in crisis while empowering young people and families to improve relationships, communication, and trust. Compassion for others, kindness, and altruism are engrained in our passable wristbands and we hear stories from all over the country from people who have been moved by them. We also address substance prevention and decision making while we encourage people to simplify and redefine success.